
Invitation Day 2024 - The Final Thelma McBratney and Sue Wareing v Marysia Lear and Mercedies Menzies 

Action Invitation Day

The first play of the day 

A thank you to Brian Burton for 32 years of dedicated maintenance keeping our facilities in tip top condition.

From left to right: Brian Burton, Ann Scott and Terry Jeffries

End of season gathering for the Rural and Internal Doubles teams of 2023

President's Day 2023 Runners up. From left to right

Marysia Lear, Alan Balderstone, Julia Nicholson, Gillian Balderstone

Enjoying the game - President's Day 2023

Watching the action and enjoying a chat. President's Day 2023

ABC famous food - Jack Johnston Club Open 2023

The action - Jack Johnston Club Open 2023

The action - Jack Johnston Club Open 2023

Fun in the sun on Charity Day July 2023

A raffle winner. Charity Day July 2023

Syd's Bottle 

Charity Day July 2023

Pot Luck Social 25th June 2023

Jack and Eileen Holden trophy winner Peter Slater (L) with ABC Club President Alan Balderstone  10th June  2023

30th Birthday celebrations with Brian Burton (L) and John Kendall (R) cutting the cake